Wednesday 23 May 2012

Our experiences

Baby language acquisition in the age of 8months to2 years is an interesting part in the life of a child. He starts with cooing and babbling where he cannot speak the words clearly. Meanwhile he explores colours, music and pictures in this stage. In this stage he says Then he establishes one word, two words and tries to connect alphabets in his language. This is the stage where the child pronounces mama-papa. Later on the child is able to complete sentences properly in the age of 2-3.
Baby language documentary was a remarkable experience with my group fellows. The first day at Apples school was a bit of an experiment playing with cute children of age 8 months to age 2. Children were engaged in different school activities wearing colourful clothes. We tried to talk to them but they weren’t familiar with our faces, so they usually ran away from us. Soon we made friends. We also visited the day care at Apples. One of the students that I remember was Zoya, age 1 year. She could hardly speak but I found her really pretty. Children of this age amused us by doing several astonishing acts. The next day, children got to know our names and they were comfortable with a number of cameras in our hands. They finally spoke and sang us different poems.  Later on we visited Nust Day Care, interviewed Mam Sehrish and met a number of students. We even sang songs with them. There is met Muhammad Azam Khan who amused me with his acts.
This documentary made us learn about camera handling, software’s such as windows media player , and block spot .More over I learnt coordination in a group work.

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